Real Estate and Property in Rwanda for Sale and Rent

Affordable housing

Rwanda: Reasons why Kigali’s Real Estate Sector has outperformed other major Regional Cities

According to recent studies, Kigali rakes higher rental yields in the residential and retail sectors than other cities in Sub Saharan Africa. Rental yield is the rate of profits compared to the cost of the investment property, typically expressed in percentages.  Kigali records 8.1 percentages on average rental return from the residential real estate industry while its retail sector records 9.8 percent...

Rwanda Government Calls Affordable Housing Developers to Partner With Poor Landowners

Calls James Kabarebe, the Rwandan Minister of Defense, commended the developers working on low-cost houses to partner with the land-owners since this would solve the problem of development of slums. He urged the real estate developers of low-cost housing to come up with methods. He said these in Gako, Masaka sector in Kicukiro District during the launch of 32 affordable houses constructed by Abadahigwa ku...

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